So throughout this module we talked a lot about plagiarism. It happens everywhere and I’m sure everyone is guilty of it at one time or another. Whether you got an idea off of someone or whatever it may have been, and you probably did not even know you did it. After reading and talking about this so much I realized that I have, sadly, been guilty. By no means in a huge sense where I purposely took someone else’s work, but in little things that I did not realize was plagiarism at all. I’ll admit, I’m downloading a bunch of songs off of LimeWire right now as I am typing this. But is that really plagiarism? Some people say it is and others say it’s not. I am kind of indifferent to it. I mean, I can understand the reasoning behind both sides. Yes, I am taking someone else’s music without paying them for it, but I’m not publishing it as my own. I have yet to make a C.D. off of LimeWire and sell it as a greatest hits album. I do not know where I stand on this issue but I don’t think I’m going to stop anytime soon. All in all, I think plagiarism is bad. The end.